Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Middle East War IS the U.S. Strong Dollar Policy

Many Americans believe the war on terror in Iraq is really about the U.S. grabbing Middle East oil. This is not true ... at least not yet.

Instead, it is about creating instability in that oil-rich part of the globe for the sake of pushing up world oil prices. Sanctions against Iran only further this desired effect. The reaction in world oil markets prove this case because it is otherwise a well known fact global crude oil supplies are, indeed, plentiful enough to meet current demand.

The pursuit of political instability in the oil-rich regions of the world is in support of the U.S. strong dollar policy. That's because most oil procured on the global market MUST be purchased in U.S. dollars. This circumstance, therefore, is dollar supportive.

Yet, the dollar continues its gradual, yet relentless, five year slide. Why?

The credit creating machine on Wall Street called "Structured Finance" has so flooded the globe with dollar denominated securities that, not even a quadrupling of oil prices over the past five years could stem the debasement of our nation's currency that this massive expansion of privately created credit has caused.

It seems no one has asked this most relevant question:

Where is the money bidding up crude oil prices coming from?

Look no further than Wall Street's "Structured Finance."

So, now you know why Wall Street hates any politician opposed to our waging war in the Middle East ... because if we withdrew, the U.S. dollar might collapse overnight ... along with oil prices ... and Wall Street's vice grip over credit creation would instantly evaporate.

Should this occur the value of dollar-denominated securities held both in domestic and foreign accounts would, likewise, rapidly collapse ... and a replay of Wiemar Germany in November, 1923 would then be at hand.

Now, you can believe powerful people are intelligent, too. This includes those die-hard fascists who have seized control of a government "of, by and for the people." They are well aware of history's lessons. They understand the error of their ways in the 1930s when, with the evil of global war problematically delayed, a truly patriotic American like FDR could seize the day and further the cause of human freedom from tyranny.

That's why, today, modern-day fascists are so vehemently provoking the Islamic world. With their stranglehold over our Republic now threatened because their greed knows no bounds, thus, they have come to a point where they will either stand condemned, or use every lever at their disposal to finish our Constitutional Republic once and for all.

Friend! FDR foresaw this dangerous day, when, in his 1944 State of the Union Address he said...

“One of the great American industrialists of our day—a man who has rendered yeoman service to his country in this crisis-recently emphasized the grave dangers of "rightist reaction" in this Nation. All clear-thinking businessmen share his concern. Indeed, if such reaction should develop—if history were to repeat itself and we were to return to the so-called "normalcy" of the 1920's—then it is certain that even though we shall have conquered our enemies on the battlefields abroad, we shall have yielded to the spirit of Fascism here at home.”

Indeed, the second shoe following 9/11 may be about to fall...

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