Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Wall Street Frets Over Losing Rubber ... Stamp

The lead editorial in the June 11, 2007 edition of the Wall Street Journal more or less confirms the little ditty of common sense I wrote a while back... If You're a Whore, Then You NEED War.

The Journal — well beyond fashionably late — voiced a growing fear that the Bush White House is coming unglued. Citing the recent decision to replace both the Chairman and the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ostensibly in response to Senate Democrats' threats of a contentious reconfirmation hearing over the Iraq debacle, the Journal's editors accused the President of losing his nerve and betraying his friends:

"General Pace's fate is one more example of Mr. Bush's recent habit of abandoning those most closely identified with his Iraq policy. Paul Wolfowitz received only tepid support from Treasury while he was besieged at the World Bank, while I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby may soon go to jail because the President has refused to pardon him."

(Pardon Scooter? I thought this was a serious newspaper! Since when did they add a comics section?)

"There's a rumor going around," the Journal editors wrote, "that Robert Gates is the Secretary of Defense. We'd like to request official confirmation, because based on recent evidence the man running the Pentagon is Democratic Senator Carl Levin of Michigan. For that matter, is George W. Bush still President?"

Friends, let me be frank. Such is the language used when death threats are made.

But beyond this we ought remind the Journal, elections are not just some fashionably democratic, social event, to be reported and then forgotten. Indeed, the American political process might be characterized, historically, as answering the question, "How do we bring fresh water into the stale, stagnant pond that's choking with scum?"

Yet the Journal's editors maintain their grip on a slippery rock...

Monday, June 4, 2007

Congressman Reed Icculus on Global Warming

Over this past weekend I listened to Congressman Edward Markey's (D-MA) response to President Bush's weekly radio address. Mr. Markey's subject was global warming.

If I told you Congressman Markey goose-stepped in line with the mainstream, would you get some sense of my opinion on this issue? Let me share with you, then, a letter I wrote him...


Have you seen the documentary "The Great Global Warming Swindle?"

Search Google. You will find it there.

Sir, don't you realize the days of the Democratic Party's alliance with fascists such as Al Gore are numbered? After all, the likes of Mr. Gore seem only to be doing the bidding of Wall Street in support of its nation-wrecking policy of globalization. Heck, he is running a hedge fund in London!

Some Democrat.

Frankly, that this man (much like yourself) would claim virtually 100% scientific consensus to mankind being the cause of global warming is uber arrogance in its own right. Why, even the head of NASA seems to agree with me!

I suggest you watch "The Great Global Warming Swindle." You see, the great thing about today's state-of-the-art communications technology is that thoughtful, dissenting voices can now be easily heard.

But political suppression of any thoughtful dialog about the cause of global warming is but a small part of my gripe...

When Mr. Gore says nuclear power should have "only a small part" in the solution to global warming (those are Fat Albert's words!)... when, contrarily, physical SCIENCE shows nuclear power produces zero CO2, and economic SCIENCE proves it to be two orders of magnitude cheaper than any fossil fuel in producing electricity, this simply reveals Mr. Gore for what he is: a FASCIST.

I do not use this word lightly. Consider the element of fascism which promotes extreme economic segmentation...

Will not the denial of technology to the under-developed world -- all because of some fantasy about mankind's role in global warming -- only perpetuate the disparity between the "haves" and the "have nots?"

Does not the stalling of state-of-the-art technologies -- like 4th generation, modular, high temperature, gas cooled nuclear reactors -- threaten to bury America's middle class even further into the Wall Street created, globalization hell-hole, particularly were policies toward restricting carbon output aggressively pursued, as the Congress seems hell-bent on doing?

Yeah, I hear your lip service to new technologies, but the things you speak of are a joke. Bio-fuels? While half a billion children in the world go to bed hungry each night? What kind of Democrat are you?

Clean coal? Solar? Sir, check your calendar... it's the 21st century!

That even a Democrat would propose these so-called "solutions" should come as no surprise, I guess. Any thinking American can see how this Congress seems to have perfected the art of pissing the taxpayer's money away.

I believe the days of the Wall Street subservient Democratic Party are numbered... so maybe you all should just carry on in fantasy during these final moments pretending you are providing FDR's party meaningful leadership because, given the VERY HIGHLY LEVERAGED, precarious state of the U.S. economy, chances are REAL GOOD that whatever this Democratic-controlled Congress "accomplishes" will, in all probability, be swept away. Such is life in pursuit of FANTASY.

And by the way, STOP using JFK's name. If you are a Kennedy Democrat, then I am Marilyn Monroe.

At least he challenged the nation to a goal of progressive accomplishment (as opposed to sucking up to the demands of the financial elite, which the alternative fuels agenda does), and did so not because its achievement would be easy, but because it would be hard. He knew the risks and dangers of sending men into space, but went there anyway, because he recognized his RESPONSIBILITY toward defending the general welfare of the nation and its posterity through the pursuit of ADVANCED technologies, as opposed to 17th century technologies. (You want windmills? Move to Holland!)

Again, I dare say PROGRESS is something the majority of so-called Democrats in Congress are only willing to give lip service to. How to carry the torch of TRUE SCIENCE (as opposed to Al Gore's Science Fiction) and lead the nation forward, is something Wall Street's Democrats seem to have little will to do (or is it, rather, courage that is lacking?).

Slay the beast -- Wall Street -- NOT ME. Tax financial derivatives, not gasoline.

Then, once that's done, you can actually do your job... which, by the way, involves something more than sucking up to whatever agenda this financial elite feeds the media (which they FIRMLY control, top down).

Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA)... you, too, might be Reed Icculus.


To the fat boy spokesperson for BP (British Petroleum) holding up a sugar beet, "educating" us about bio-fuels, claiming the source for this can be grown year after year... take a walk to the ocean. You'll lose some weight (so ask Al Gore to come along!) and you will discover an energy source that's there for the taking 365 days a year: HYDROGEN.