Friday, April 6, 2007

"The Fuehrer" of Global Warming Goes To Washington: Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) v. Al Gore (a.k.a. "Al Goebbels")

Before I share a letter I wrote today to U.S. Senator James Inhofe (R-OK), ranking minority member on the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee, I have a story...

For whatever reason, I dreamed up this fine alias for Al Gore ("Al Goebbels") after seeing his performance before the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee on March 21, 2007.

Not being intimately familiar with the spelling of this Nazi's name, I went to Google. First entry returned in my search was from Wikipedia. Oddly, the abstract for Joseph Goebbels demonstrated how God works in mysterious ways (I couldn't have picked a better pseudonym!)...

"Goebbels was known for his zealous and energetic oratory, virulent anti-Semitism, and perfection of the so-called Big Lie technique of mass propaganda."

By no means do I claim Mr. Gore is anti-Semitic. However, I have read he has a history of racism.

Per the other two things, though, Mr. Gore and Mr. Goebbels appear one and the same.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

Here's my letter to Senator Inhofe...

Dear Sir:

Pardon me for beginning this letter rudely, but as a democrat, you have my permission to tell Sen. Barbara Boxer to shut her arrogant pie hole anytime you wish! Having once again watched her belittle you during Senate Environment & Public Works Committee hearings (this time while former Senator Al Goebbels testified about man-made global warming) I am simply left shaking my head in disgust. I thought Senators were supposed to be utterly dignified. She, contrarily, insists upon coming off as a childish, tit-for-tat, jerk.

Now about anti-human Al's testimony... Did you notice how badly he fumbled when one of your republican colleagues suggested sun spot activity might have a direct correlation to the earth's climate? For a guy who humbled himself to professional disciplines "beyond his pay scale" on a number of occasions, I was a bit alarmed to see how decisively he claimed no scientific consensus to the possibility that the sun could be impacting earth's climate.

I recently saw a documentary that delved into this very subject. It was called, "The Great Global Warming Swindle." It aired on London's WAG TV... I'm not sure when, but I am gathering it was recently. Up until a couple days ago, you could have watched the entire broadcast on YouTube. It has since been pulled due to copyright infringement. Apparently, though, this documentary will soon be available on DVD. Check out the following website:

The demand for more information on this subject has been so great that, apparently, the above website was created as a consequence. When you go there you will learn that the site is a work in progress. I hope you, your staff and your colleagues will keep an eye on it. I suspect you will gain some of the ammunition you will need to bring truth to this debate about the causes of global warming.

That's probably wishful thinking on my part. This is, after all, the "Rubber Stamp" Congress. Democrat or Republican, it does not matter...

Tap, tap, tap, SLAM... What's that say?

"Made on Wall Street"

...the capitol of China. Choke on that CO2!

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