Friday, January 26, 2007

Hillary Clinton: Transgendered For President

Fortunately, intelligent speech is no more prerequisite for becoming a political commentator than it is for becoming President of the United States. So, U.S. Senator, Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) and I are equals, here in the land of the free to be "nasty" to whatever tyranny freaks us out.

Here, then, is how you might believe she really is qualified to be our next President...

Consider but her mighty balls, because they are well worth weighing. Particularly given their place in the land without a chin.

Rehashing old history, just for the fun of it and that little thing called "principle," she actually forgave her husband's infidelity. And I believe there's a lot to be said for that. That's integrity. And that's something in short supply these days, particularly with all of Wall Street's and London's Credit flooding the globe and making it oh so easy for better people to be, well, whores.

But, someday, friend, our nation's current account, she probably gonna blow up somehow. In fact, I think you can bank on this. And then what?

Two possibilities stand out, given the extraordinarily leveraged circumstances of our time: revolution or all-out war.

Because a financial tyranny is, right now, leveraged to the hilt and vulnerable.

If you doubt this, simply open your eyes, because this is no secret in either Washington or New York.

Case in point was revealed during the debate over Social Security privatization in '05.

There was my Senator Clinton laying out the facts before a Senate Subcommittee on Aging. Every American with ears could have easily heard her say it: The U.S. Treasury would be bankrupt long before the Social Security Trust Fund.


She is absolutely correct, too. We are purposely being bankrupted. And every hack CNBC throws in our face claiming otherwise is a neck for the gallows.

It took a lot of balls for Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to point that fact out to the chinless wonders formerly in the majority. In fact, the only similar Republican voice I recall was Ron Paul from the, uh, Libertarian Hell Party.

So, it seems Mrs. Clinton understands the power of leverage, given the high probability that some jaggov somewhere will decide, for greed or other sinister designs, to throw the financial freight train called "Structured Finance" in reverse.

FRIEND: IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN. And it might happen much sooner than you think.

That's why a presidential candidate demonstrating some inkling of knowledge about the truth surrounding our dangerously precarious financial position might make a good first choice for at least your serious consideration.

Just listen to the mainstream media. The more bashing of Ms. Clinton you hear, the more you know their Wall Street masters quake with fear, as they well should.

Ding dong. Time to wake up and smell the financial rot.

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