Monday, January 29, 2007

Hillary Clinton Says: Change Your Habits; Let's Drink & Drive Instead!

You would think U.S. politicians would know better than preach the gospel of sacrifice to those whose votes they seek.

Case in point: Hillary Clinton speaking about Energy Policy during a campaign appearance in Des Moines, Iowa on Saturday, January 27, 2007.

Of course, the further development of politically correct "alternative" energy sources was a stated priority. You know, the kind requiring more [expensive] energy input than is produced. All the "bio" whatever that's likely to create more bottlenecks (particularly at the dinner table) than if Iran sunk their entire Navy in the Strait of Hormuz.

Last mentioned was hydrogen. Now, this alternative probably should be our nation's first pursuit, and we should go after it like we did the Moon, back in the 1960s.

Not to be outdone by Jimmy Carter, Senator Clinton followed by also saying Americans will have to "change their [energy consumption] habits."

Let me reply with this: Now that "grass" has become an "attractive" alternative fuel, those who push sacrifice on the American public would do better to smoke it than propose turning it into fuel.

Because sacrifice is the LAST thing Americans are willing to do. And who can blame them?

So, my advice is stop being a political fool, Senator Clinton, and start getting creative.

John F. Kennedy challenged this nation with boldness, creativity and vision when he set us on a mission to land a man on the Moon. The only "sacrifice" necessary was time in pursuit of that hard mission's accomplishment. And the benefits we accrued as a consequence made such "sacrifice," really, a no-brainer.

We desperately need the same boldness, creativity and vision today when it comes to our nation's energy policy.

Let's start by looking at our cities. Take New York City, for example.

Buildings extend to the sky. But the city's roadways reach only to the first floor. Why not to the 20th or the 50th or more? Might I suggest massive pursuit of a clean hydrogen energy policy? That way we can drive indoors. So, what are now streets and avenues might then become undeveloped property (easy Mr. Trump).

Then, add greater command and control using technology. For God's sake, with GPS and modern computer networking capability, I should be able to get into my car, tell it where I want to go, pop open a beer and enjoy a hands-free ride.

Because conquering such a feat is not a question of insurmountable technological barriers. Rather, it's all about statesmanship and political will, and nothing more.

There's nothing to sacrifice, then, other than those who lack the vision and will to make America's roadways safe enough to do what is, today, ill-advised:

Drink and drive.

After all, it is the American way...

Sunday, January 28, 2007

If You're A Whore, Then You NEED War

I love the smell of financial rot in the morning. Because it reminds me of WHY we must wage war.

Please, I beg you, tell me.

What must the nation borrowing nearly $1 trillion per year from the world at large do to ensure the continued flow of finance into the game called "A Sound, Vibrant, Healthy Economy?"

It must flex its muscle and demonstrate its intention that the game continue without dissent.

Consider what happened December '06 when Thailand unilaterally implemented currency controls to stem the rise of its currency against the dollar.

Do you doubt the financial tyrant is dangerously leveraged?

Then you didn't see the freak show on CNBC the morning after.

The talk was about the possibility of "systemic crisis" swamping the whore masters: hedge funds and private equity.

And cooler minds know that, when a tiny nation like Thailand can create such big financial waves, the substance of global arrangements is largely a confidence game.

There's little left but guns, outwardly pointing, ensuring copious loads of butter to grease what is euphemistically called our "Sound, Vibrant, Healthy Economy."

Is it any wonder, then, that President Bush is being so reticent about Iraq?

Whose back pocket is he in? (He, and the rest of Nixon's nasty leftovers.)

Who invited him and the Republican Party back to the self-proclaimed "Financial Capital of the World" for the '04 convention?

Was this their doggie treat for dutifully sleeping while the city was violently attacked?

Two steps forward, one step back. As tax paying Americans, why wouldn't we ask:

How could a nation that, generation after generation, spends so many billions on defense and intelligence find itself so vulnerable to a bunch of cave dwelling, dog gassing, monkey bar climbing Oswalds?

Of course, such musing might, indeed, seem insane if there were not so many similarities to a different story that began on Novemer 22, 1963...

Friday, January 26, 2007

Hillary Clinton: Transgendered For President

Fortunately, intelligent speech is no more prerequisite for becoming a political commentator than it is for becoming President of the United States. So, U.S. Senator, Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) and I are equals, here in the land of the free to be "nasty" to whatever tyranny freaks us out.

Here, then, is how you might believe she really is qualified to be our next President...

Consider but her mighty balls, because they are well worth weighing. Particularly given their place in the land without a chin.

Rehashing old history, just for the fun of it and that little thing called "principle," she actually forgave her husband's infidelity. And I believe there's a lot to be said for that. That's integrity. And that's something in short supply these days, particularly with all of Wall Street's and London's Credit flooding the globe and making it oh so easy for better people to be, well, whores.

But, someday, friend, our nation's current account, she probably gonna blow up somehow. In fact, I think you can bank on this. And then what?

Two possibilities stand out, given the extraordinarily leveraged circumstances of our time: revolution or all-out war.

Because a financial tyranny is, right now, leveraged to the hilt and vulnerable.

If you doubt this, simply open your eyes, because this is no secret in either Washington or New York.

Case in point was revealed during the debate over Social Security privatization in '05.

There was my Senator Clinton laying out the facts before a Senate Subcommittee on Aging. Every American with ears could have easily heard her say it: The U.S. Treasury would be bankrupt long before the Social Security Trust Fund.


She is absolutely correct, too. We are purposely being bankrupted. And every hack CNBC throws in our face claiming otherwise is a neck for the gallows.

It took a lot of balls for Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to point that fact out to the chinless wonders formerly in the majority. In fact, the only similar Republican voice I recall was Ron Paul from the, uh, Libertarian Hell Party.

So, it seems Mrs. Clinton understands the power of leverage, given the high probability that some jaggov somewhere will decide, for greed or other sinister designs, to throw the financial freight train called "Structured Finance" in reverse.

FRIEND: IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN. And it might happen much sooner than you think.

That's why a presidential candidate demonstrating some inkling of knowledge about the truth surrounding our dangerously precarious financial position might make a good first choice for at least your serious consideration.

Just listen to the mainstream media. The more bashing of Ms. Clinton you hear, the more you know their Wall Street masters quake with fear, as they well should.

Ding dong. Time to wake up and smell the financial rot.